C.D. – 7 months old female with a persistent sty in left eye since age 2 months. A cranial strain was found to have occurred from a mildly difficult birth. After 1 month of weekly treatment, the sty resolved.
J.H. – 23 y/o male with c/o upper back pain, wakes him every am, occasionally excruciating. He had no recollection of any injuries. The pain first began 2 years previously with switching to a new bed that was extra firm. Upon examination he was found to be twisted and compressed through the rib cage, involving the pericardium. The forces moving through him were as if he were arched backward, pushed front to back. During treatment, as the strain was resolving, he suddenly recalls a head-on collision at age 16. Both cars were traveling 35 mph. The oncoming car was flying across the meridian right at him. He walked away, apparently unharmed. The other driver was hospitalized for 6 months. This young man comes in for treatment only irregularly. I help him each visit, but because of his stressful job, he keeps re-creating the strain patterns. He is definitely better than he was before any treatment, however, he needs more regular treatment to counter the demands of a stressful life. My consideration is that the compression through the ribcage and pericardium could be reducing blood flow to and from his heart, creating irritability; the subclinical ischemia over time might someday become significant cardiac pathology.
G.C.- 39 y/o male with a history of severe heartburn. A software developer who became intensely involved in his programming. The intensity of his work, and the posture he would assume, caused his chest to burn unbearably. Especially after eating lunch, he frequently had to leave work, go home, and lie down . He reported a trauma: At age 22 he was playing basketball and ran into a pole supporting the basket. On examination his ribcage and diaphragm were found to be severely twisted and shifted toward his left. Resolution of this strain pattern after 3 treatments permanently resolved his heartburn.
A.L. – 7 y/o male with hyperactivity and inattentiveness in classroom. He disturbed all the other kids, and could not focus on learning. At age 3 he fell out of window and landed on cement driveway, fracturing his skull. He recovered, but since the fall his personality had changed from the calm and easy child he once was. Severe cranial and ribcage compressions and twistings were found on examination. Treatments once per month for 1 year produced lasting dramatic changes in his temperament and ability to focus in the classroom. No need for medications.
R.K. – 18 y/o female with Chronic Fatigue and frequent Upper Respiratory Infections. She had left high school because of her inability to function normally. She had fallen out of a tree at age 7. She was quite shaken at the time, but she recovered. Her family did not consider the incident to be significant. On exam, her entire ribcage was bent forward. The diaphragm and liver were very compressed with sluggishness in fluid movement. Treatment produced a slow gradual return to normal fluid mobility in tissues. Her vitality was severely compromised. It took years of treatment for a gradual return to normal function. She was able to finish high school, move away from home, and attend college to become a nurse. She still receives occasional osteopathic treatment.
M.L. – 73 y/o female seen after 2 back surgeries for her lumbar disc disease and degenerative arthritis. She had definite pain relief and mobility after the 1st surgery, but required the 2nd surgery 2 years later because of stenosis from scar tissue and progression of her arthritis. I have seen her weekly for years, which allowed her the freedom to camp and hike in Yosemite. As she gets older, however, her function continues to deteriorate, but with regular treatment she is able to maintain relative comfort and mobility.
D.C. -17 y/o male who came to my office with a history of frequent ear and upper respiratory infections. He was born 6 weeks premature via C-section because of an Rh blood incompatibility. He had to be transfused 3 times at birth. In his first hours he experienced three significant shocks to his body:
- Rh incompatibility
- Birth by C-section at 6 weeks prematurity
- Transfusions
On exam his entire cranial mechanism was found to be contracted and shut down. A gentle release mobilized his cranial mechanism. He was an aggressive athlete, on high school football team, quite physically able, yet his immunity was significantly weakened and disorganized by birth trauma. After a few months of treatment the incidence of infections diminished considerably.